2025 Competition
Georgia Tech's 2025 Guthman Musical Instrument Competition is an annual event aimed at identifying the world's next generation of musical instruments and unveiling the best new ideas in musicality, design, engineering, and impact.
The Guardian called the competition "The Pulitzer of the New Instrument World," and The New York Times described it as having a "special, otherworldly sound that you can feel permeating your soul", which has become the hallmark of the competition. Fast Company explained how Guthman's "futuristic instruments will change how we make music," and Atlanta Magazine suggested that "at the Guthman Competition, innovative instruments just might predict the future of music."
Approximately ten finalists will be invited to attend the 2025 edition of the Guthman Musical Instrument Competition at the Georgia Tech campus in Atlanta on March 7 and 8, 2025. Finalists must attend the competition in person to present their work to the judges, perform on a public concert, and compete for $10,000 in prizes. Finalists will receive an honorarium ($500 for finalists located within North America and $1000 for finalists traveling from other countries) to help defray the cost of traveling to Atlanta.
The deadline for submissions is October 1, 2024 has been extended to October 10, 2024.