Guthman competitor Chet Udell playing the spider harp, an instrument inspired by a spiderweb.

The Concert

The Concert

Hear the most innovative and creative new instruments in the world at the Guthman Musical Instrument Competition Concert. More than 100 applicants from 20 countries applied to the competition this year, and we presented the ten best.

Our Competition finalists  put on an out of this world show as they presented their inventions at the Concert. They explained why and how they created their instruments, and demonstrated their potential through some very unique performances.  As always, the Concert was appropriate -- and engaging -- for all ages.

At the end of the evening, the judges will announced the Competition winners and the audience voted for their favorites.


Thanks to everyone who came to the 2020 concert or watched online! Watch the replay of the concert on YouTube.

Venue and Parking Information

The Competition and Concert was hosted at Georgia Tech's Ferst Center for the Arts. This venue is home to the School of Music's symphony orchestra, chamber orchestra, symphonic band, and concert band. Through the Office of the Arts, it also hosts artists-in-residence at the intersection of art and technology who engage with students and faculty from the entire campus.



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